Asia S.

Asia S.

Attended Cleveland Clinic Sessions Son is Abrim Sanders- 18 months I found out about Centering when I scheduled my first prenatal appointment through Cleveland Clinic’s appointment line. I really liked the idea that it’s an easier way to do appointments in a fun...
Marshaie W.

Marshaie W.

When I was pregnant, I was looking into the benefits of breastfeeding, researching the benefits of breastfeeding for baby and the benefits of breastfeeding for mom. And I thought, OK we’re going to do this thing! In the beginning, it was tough. Luckily, friends...
Jazzmine P.

Jazzmine P.

Jazzmine P. has witnessed firsthand the impact Birthing Beautiful Communities (BBC) is having throughout Cleveland — first as a client, and now as one of their perinatal support professionals. BBC’s model improves health outcomes for both mother and baby by providing...

Nicole B.

Nicole B. was ecstatic when she brought her son, D’Antoni, home from the hospital in January 2009. Nicole and her husband had three beautiful weeks with their newborn before he passed away in February, due to complications from surgery. Since then, Nicole has been...

Nancy K.

Nancy K. and her boyfriend, Pete, decided to join the CenteringPregnancy program midway through their pregnancy with their first child. In the program, expectant parents meet twice a month for two-hour sessions to discuss all things related to pregnancy and childbirth...