Safe Sleep
Starts Here
In Cuyahoga County, every breath a baby takes is a testament to the preciousness of life and the unwavering commitment of our community to safeguard our future. We believe that every baby deserves a safe sleep environment—one that ensures they wake up to a world beyond their dreams.
ABCDE’s of Safe Sleep: Alone, on their Back, in an empty Crib, Don’t smoke, Educate Everyone.
Sleep-related death is the 2nd leading cause of infant mortality in Cuyahoga County and Black babies disproportionately represent 78% of these deaths.
Safe Sleep
Starts Here
In Cuyahoga County, every breath a baby takes is a testament to the preciousness of life and the unwavering commitment of our community to safeguard our future. We believe that every baby deserves a safe sleep environment—one that ensures they wake up to a world beyond their dreams.
ABCDE's of Safe Sleep
Preparing your baby to go to sleep is an opportunity or a risk. Make sure everyone in your baby’s life — parents, grandparents, siblings, other relatives, child care providers — know and follow the ABCDE’s of safe sleep. Every nap time, and every bedtime. It’s the safest thing for babies.
Breastfeeding is one of the best things you can do for your baby. Also, according to research, the longer you exclusively breastfeed your baby (meaning not supplementing with formula), the lower his or her risk of SIDS. Breastfeeding offers many other benefits as well.
Smoking Cessation
Babies who are exposed to second-hand smoke become more susceptible to developing respiratory problems and are more at risk of sleep-related death. Chemicals from smoke may build up in the arousal center of a baby’s brain, making it hard for them to wake up if they are having trouble breathing.
Data on Sleep-Related Death
About 20 infant sleep-related deaths occur each year in Cuyahoga County. All sleep-related deaths had a hazard in their sleep environment.
90% had extra bedding (blanket or pillow) as a risk factor.
75% had smoking noted as a risk factor.
Safe Sleep Resources
216 201 2001 ext. 2019