
Our Shared Work

Our mission at First Year Cleveland (FYC) is to mobilize the community through partnerships and a unified strategy to reduce infant deaths-particularly among communities of greatest need. If you care about the health of families and want them to thrive, YOU are a partner.

To accomplish our mission, we are committed to uplifting community voice and expertise, and to investing in community solutions to meet our goal of ensuring every baby celebrates their first birthday by:

1. Decreasing the number of women who experience a preterm birth

Focus on strategies to improve the pregnancy and birthing experience for  families.

2. Addressing the leading social factors that contribute to infant mortality

Create and expand partnerships to advocate for maternal/family leave policies  policies across hospital systems, nonprofits, and businesses across the county.

3. Investing in community power and solutions

Build capacity for community and grassroots organizations to support community strategies that improve conditions for families to thrive.

4. Ensuring respectful care in all healthcare settings

Convene health care providers to identify unified commitments to improve access and delivery of services by using patient experience data to drive standards..

Leading causes of infant deaths in Cuyahoga County:

Racial Inequities

Racism and discrimination are the root causes of infant death. Black mothers in Greater Cleveland are four times more likely to experience the death of their baby than white mothers.

Extreme Prematurity

Prematurity has been the county’s lead contributor to infant mortality for 20+ years. We’re gathering data to guide solutions to eliminate deaths due to extreme prematurity.

Sleep-Related Deaths

Sleep-related deaths are the second-leading cause of infant deaths in the county. We’re promoting “safe sleep” in our training and public messaging.

What will you do to help?

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Screen Toxic: A Black Woman’s Story

A production of First Year Cleveland’s Pregnancy and Infant Loss (PAIL) Committee and the Healthy Neighborhoods Committee of Healthy Cleveland, Toxic explores a day in the life of Nina, a professional Black woman in her second trimester of pregnancy. The film depicts the cumulative effects of the chronic stress Nina experiences as a part of her daily routine. These experiences begin from the moment she wakes up and continues throughout the day, as she endures a myriad of stressful events that impact her health and well-being.

Visit to purchase a downloadable film package, which includes an HD video file and discussion guide.All film proceeds will be used to provide healing support resources for families in Cuyahoga County.

Community Resources 

Get started here with our Community Resource Guide to prenatal, pregnancy, and post-pregnancy care providers. You’ll also find resources for social support and other healthcare services to help you on your pregnancy journey.